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Your Free Bonus Gifts

GIFT #1:
Make Your Pain a Thing of the Past With Proper Management

Being in constant pain can adversely affect your quality of life to the point where getting out of bed in the morning is a struggle, and taking a nice walk before bedtime is a thing of the path. Right now, with your Nerve Control 911™ purchase, you can begin to see a difference in your pain levels almost immediately with this informative e-book, which is also a $39 value. Learn how to:

  • Get started - Before you can fully understand the best ways to manage your chronic pain, it's important to receive a little education on what pain actually is, how it manifests and the variety of ways in which it can be successfully treated.
  • Understand medications - For so many years, we've been trained to accept the "fact" that taking a pill is the simplest, most direct way to alleviate pain. But what happens when they stop working, or we can't ingest certain ingredients?
  • Discover better solutions - When medications are no longer a viable "fix," then you can begin to focus on options such as keeping hydrated, getting better sleep, staying fit, reducing stress and even trying acupuncture for the very first time.

GIFT #2:
Natural Tips for Living With Chronic Pain

One of the worst things about experiencing chronic pain are the side effects that often accompany both over-the-counter and prescription medications, as well as the fear of becoming addicted. Today, with your Nerve Control 911™ purchase, you can begin to learn more about other alternatives to these meds by reading this informative e-book, which is also a $39 value. Discover how to:

  • Understand chronic pain - Long-term pain is quite different than the discomfort that you might feel from a temporary scrape or bruise, and both our minds and bodies can react much differently to the attempts we make to manage this kind of pain.
  • Learn to live with chronic pain - The sooner you begin to make big lifestyle changes that will help your body handle the pain, the better! Simple things like losing a little weight, getting a full night's sleep and going stress-free can be game changers.
  • Try out-of-the-box methods - When traditional solutions are no longer working for you, begin to seek other ideas, such as experimenting with aromatherapy, massage treatments, acupuncture, Pilates classes and a myriad of other proven options.
What are other people saying about us?

"When I began having involuntary muscle movements, it really made getting a good night’s sleep difficult — and not just for me, but for my wife, too! I can’t tell you how many times I ended up in the recliner in the living room, just trying to sit a certain way to get a little relief.

And then the day came when my daughter showed me some information that she had come across about Nerve Control 911™. My grandkids were a little disappointed that I hadn’t been too much fun at the park lately, so she found this top-secret solution that claimed to really get to the root of the problem and offer results.

At this point, I was ready to try anything, and I’m so glad that I did! I began to notice the inflammation going down in just days. And after just a few weeks, I was back to pushing the swing for my grandkids and doing my odd jobs around the house. The involuntary muscle movements had almost completely stopped - all due to Nerve Control 911™ (and my daughter)."


"I have been an RN for almost 20 years now, and I love helping people stay healthy. But, that’s pretty difficult to do when you’re in so much pain and discomfort yourself! The regular medications just weren’t doing the job for me, and the nerve problems and other symptoms had become just about too much to handle.

And then, I found out about Nerve Control 911™. Being in healthcare myself, I had gone to therapy, seen all of the specialists and had almost resigned myself to having to deal with this for the rest of my life. Thankfully, I was wrong.

In a matter of weeks, I’ve been able to stand much longer, rather than trying to always come up with a reason to sit when I’m in a patient’s room at the hospital. And those “anxious spells” I had been getting have completely stopped. If it hadn’t been for Nerve Control 911™, I probably would have retired early, and I’m not one for sitting around the house! I feel like I’ve taken my life back, so I continue to help others do the same."


"I’be a Little League baseball coach in my spare time, so when the pain in my legs and hips started to become too much, I became really depressed. I was supposed to be too young for all of this, right? I definitely wasn’t expecting to be taking breaks during games and asking for help with the equipment.

One day, a parent of one of the kids on my team told me about Nerve Control 911™, and I haven’t looked back. In the first three weeks, there was definite improvement in my range of motion, and by the time I got into my second bottle, I was just about ready to start running the bases again.

Even better, I felt a lot of relief in that my symptoms weren’t going to get any worse, and I didn’t have to worry about them returning unexpectedly. Each day, I felt a little more relief. Yesterday, I finally put away the heating pad for good. That’s how great I feel, and I owe it all to Nerve Control 911™."

Dover, DE